[SciPy-Dev] dropping numpy 1.6.2 support

Sturla Molden sturla.molden at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 01:47:15 EST 2015

On 30/12/15 15:00, Ralf Gommers wrote:

> It's been a year since we dropped support for numpy 1.5.1 and decided to
> keep supporting numpy 1.6.2 for a while longer. There are regularly PRs
> that need to be adapted because they fail with numpy 1.6.2, latest
> example is https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/5641.
> So proposal: drop numpy 1.6.2, and make numpy 1.7.2 the lowest supported
> version.

+1 for this.

Ceterum censeo Python 2.6 sustentationem esse delendam.

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