[SciPy-Dev] GSoC 2014 : Discrete Wavelets Transform

Ankit Agrawal aaaagrawal at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 18:22:42 EDT 2014

Hi everyone,

         I have created a
wiki to list the possible tasks that can go along with the project
of integrating `pywt` library in scipy.signal and addition of some related
algorithms(denoising and compression using wavelets) to scikit-image and
scipy.signal. Please feel free to suggest or add any other related task. In
the coming 2-3 days, I will go through some papers and the pywt codebase to
come up with better estimates of the time in which I can complete those
tasks. By the end of coming weekend(16th), I hope to have shortlisted the
tasks and the timeline for my GSoC proposal. Thanks.

Ankit Agrawal,
Communication and Signal Processing,
IIT Bombay.
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