[SciPy-Dev] wheels on PyPI?

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 13:04:19 EDT 2014

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 4:55 PM, David Baumgold <db at edx.org> wrote:
> > Hey all, I work for edX, and we include NumPy and SciPy in our software
> > platform. We have a lot of tests for our code, and running them requires
> > making a virtual environment and installing all of our dependencies each
> > time — but NumPy and SciPy take a long time to compile. We’ve actually
> built
> > Python wheel files for all of our dependencies, which we host on an AWS
> > server: http://edx-wheels.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com It would be
> > super convenient if we could get wheel files for NumPy and SciPy on
> PyPI, so
> > that its easier for us to install them in our test environment — and I
> > imagine it would help a whole lot of other people, as well! Who has the
> > authorization to upload new packages to the NumPy and SciPy projects on
> > PyPI, and how can I contribute our wheel files back to the community?
> > Alternatively, how can I help the SciPy project build and distribute
> wheel
> > files automatically, as part of the standard release process? Thanks for
> the
> > info!
> It looks like you only have Linux and OS X wheels for numpy and scipy.
> The general consensus, Python-community-wide, is that only noarch and
> Windows wheels should be put up on PyPI. The PyPI server even enforces
> this, at this present time. Linux and even OS X environments are a
> little too variable.

For Linux that's correct, but for OS X we are going to put those on PyPi.
Actually, for Numpy those are already there thanks to Matthew's efforts:
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy. For Scipy we plan to do the same for

Specifically for testing on TravisCI, AstroPy hosts a wheelhouse with Linux
wheels that may be of use:


> The stumbling block for getting official Windows wheels up has been
> finding working, not-embarassingly-out-of-date accelerated BLAS and
> LAPACK libraries that work. If you look on the recent numpy-discussion
> threads on this subject, it appears that this will be resolved
> soonish. Or at least, there are people actively working on it, and you
> can expect regular Windows wheels to be uploaded to PyPI as soon as it
> is possible to do so.
> --
> Robert Kern
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