[SciPy-Dev] Supporting numpy/scipy in an IDE

Sven Brauch svenbrauch at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 25 05:11:19 EST 2013


On Monday 25 November 2013 10:55:32 Marmaduke Woodman wrote:
> You could adapt Sphinx's parsing/building classes to get "direct" access to
> the docstring info?
Hmm, yes, for the argument count and names that would work. But look at the 
types, e.g. in [1]: "out: complex ndarray" is not really machine-readable. I 
would need the actual type it returns, optimally the exact type (which module 
it is from etc.) but at least the class name.

For the arguments the types are not that important, but having the return 
types is really essential information (otherwise, if the user writes a = 
numpy.fft.fft(...) and then requests code-completion for a, I can do nothing).

Best regards,


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