[SciPy-Dev] stats, distributions, design choices

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 20:44:08 EDT 2013

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Evgeni Burovski
<evgeny.burovskiy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In general, it's just the pattern that we follow, why do we have nans
>> and masked arrays?
> That I understand --- I just like signalling NaNs much more than quite ones,
> so was trying to sneak one in.
> Anyway, if it doesn't match the usage, it's over; thanks for the
> clarification!

raising an exception is too drastic as change in behavior/pattern in
my opinion, but I'm thinking whether we could issue a special warning.
A warning could be set by users to raise an exception.

Checking the scale would be easy, that's in one central location.
However, checking the shape parameter relies on the individual
`_argcheck` and on the calls to them in each method. To change those,
we would have to either change all _argchecks which I don't think is a
good idea, or to change all methods.
In the methods (at least most of them) it would not incur any
additional cost to check if there are any invalid parameters, or it
would not cost much, depending on where the check is done.
(based on what I remember, I didn't check the current code.)

I wouldn't be opposed to that, but Ralf is the expert on warnings.


> Zhenya
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