[SciPy-Dev] Like to participate in scipy.signals

Surya Kasturi suryak at ieee.org
Thu Jan 24 10:31:10 EST 2013

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:50 PM, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:

> Surya Kasturi <suryak <at> ieee.org> writes:
> [clip]
> > I am currently looking into  what Ralf has said! Now, I am going
> > through the documentation..
> > So, how far I should be reading the source-code of the project
> > before proceeding with the bugs? I seriously feel reading code
> > is a very tough task!
> With the bugs, I would only read the part of the source code
> that you need to, i.e., (i) try to first have a mathematical
> background understanding of what the computation is supposed
> to do, (ii) then try to locate the piece that is failing,
> (iii) look at the source code of the failing part, and
> then repeat from (i) on that.
> Scipy is quite wide topic-wise, so understanding what all the
> code e.g. in scipy.signal does takes more effort than the typical
> non-scientific code base. Luckily, different topics tend to be
> separated, so you can conserve your energy by digging only into
> a single one at a time.
> [clip: scipy-central]
> > Looking into it now! This website looks very simple.
> > May be we can try to use Twitter Bootstrap... Its UI is
> > quite attractive and even simple to implement.
> >
> > What do you say?
> >
> > Probably I might propose new ideas if I look into
> > the Django Stuff (the development part).
> Yes, certainly. With the design one might want to make it somehow
> look like it's to some degree affiliated with scipy.org (although
> the design for the latter looks like from the last century :)
> Using Bootstrap as the base layout did come up some time ago in
> discussions, and I think was regarded as a good idea.
> The scipy-central project has been "sleeping" for a year now, but
> it would be nice to have again more activity with it.

Yeah! I just looked into the repo.. last commit was about a year ago!

As you said, it might be mandatory to create a design that looks like
scipy.org otherwise, people might feel to have landed on Mars.

Also, I see that SciPy Central doesn't have support for OpenID.. So,
considering my Django experience, with some help/ guidance I can do that!
We can possibly write from scratch or user some opensource projects which
have already done some homework.

http://stackoverflow.com/q/2123369/1162468 --> we can see lots of libs.

> --
> Pauli Virtanen
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