[SciPy-Dev] Like to participate in scipy.signals

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Jan 24 09:51:00 EST 2013

Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Surya, I had a look through the current scipy.signal
> tickets for ones that would be not too complex to get
> started with:

BTW, the full ticket list is here:


The typical work cycle that we use is,

- start a new branch for Git for the feature / bug fix
- work on it
- submit a pull request for code review

Useful links:

[1] http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/dev/gitwash/development_setup.html

[2] https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/HACKING.rst.txt

[3] https://help.github.com/

To get your hands on the source code, the first step you probably want
to do is to create an account on github.com, and press the "Fork" button
on https://github.com/scipy/scipy After that, you can start working with
the version controlled source code as explained in [1]

If you run into trouble, feel free to ask here.

I'm not very familiar with DSP, so I can't give specific hints on what
would be nice projects in scipy.signal (but Ralf gave some pointers).


There's one large longer-term project I know touching scipy.signal,
though (but probably not good for a first project) --- scipy.signal
has some functions dealing with B-splines on a uniform grid. Similar
B-spline stuff appears in scipy.ndimage and scipy.interpolate
(non-uniform grid splines). However, since these sub-packages have
been written at different times by different people, the spline
representations they use are not compatible or the inner workings
are not exposed.

Some house cleaning should be done --- we'd probably need
a single way to represent and evaluate B-splines either on uniform
or irregular grid, for 1-D and tensor product splines in N-dim (which
is what scipy.ndimage AFAIK uses). Then the different packages in
Scipy could work with these common spline objects --- the B-spline
is a commonly appearing object deserving its own abstraction.


On the web development side one project would be improving
the http://scipy-central.org code sharing site. You can find
the source code for it here (uses Django):

The main things to polish would probably be trying to make the
interface more attractive and easier to use, i.e., some web design
work, and some development.

Pauli Virtanen

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