[SciPy-Dev] Scipy Central Home Page .. finally

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 07:34:04 EST 2013

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Surya Kasturi <suryak at ieee.org> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Finally, I tried to make a Scipy Central design (home page) looking close
> to scipy.org
> Please take a look and let me know how it is.. what could be changed and
> all.
> http://ksurya.github.com/scipy-central-design/home.html
> Also: Few changes/ new features might be required like changing font size,
> color, background color etc..
> Please do comment on them too!
> The rest of the pages would be looking very similar to this..
> (Note: this was the previous version
> http://ksurya.github.com/scipycentral/ .. Looks a lot like search engine
> and probably won't work for this site).
> Looking for your comments.. is this has any chance of merging into
> main-stream (of course with some small changes)

I think this can certainly be merged. We should however first pick up the
scipy-central code, domain names, etc. that were offered by Kevin Dunn (the
original author) for transfer to the community last year (

I would propose to transfer some of the domain names to NumFOCUS, and put
the main scipy-central repo under github.com/scipy. I can take care of
that, if everyone agrees. Then we do need to move the site to a new server
and do some maintenance when needed. Is there someone who is willing to
help with that?

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