[SciPy-Dev] issues trac migration review

Andreas Hilboll lists at hilboll.de
Tue Apr 23 09:19:18 EDT 2013

>>> As for new data submissions...well...open issue I guess. Github
>>> accepts image attachments and posts them to their server on amazon. I
>>> assume this functionality will be extended at some point. They've been
>>> talking about it for 4 years now. We could instruct people to use
>>> e-mail attachments and post them to the list then link to the message
>>> in the issue?
>> E-mail has the problem that it spams N+1 people who are not interested
>> in the potentially big data file, plus it's a hassle to subscribe to the
>> list so that you can post.
>> It probably needs to be something simple, otherwise what happens is
>> dropbox/mediafire/ad-supported-upload-service-of-your-choice which do
>> not necessarily have a very long lifetimes.
>> A third-party web app can use Github for authentication:
>> http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/
>> But nobody seems to have written so far (or at least I can't find)
>> something that does this.
> Might this be something we could use scipy-central for? I don't know
> anything about that server setup / file attachment situation. Just an
> idea. Still not zero effort.


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