[SciPy-Dev] Request for Feedback/Authorization: a new public repository for the conference

Jonathan Rocher jrocher at enthought.com
Wed Nov 28 13:21:21 EST 2012

Dear all,

Andy Terrel and I are the co-chairs of the Scipy2013 conference in Austin
next June in Austin. We are very excited about this coming edition and will
post regularly to these lists for feedback and announcements.

But for now, we would like to consolidate its organization under a public
open source project inside the Scipy organization on github. We propose
that the project be called scipy-conference. The repo would host documents
useful to run the conference as well as code to set up the website and the

I write here to ask if the community is ok with that and to ask for the
rights to create/manage that new repository.

Thanks in advance,

Jonathan Rocher, PhD
Scientific software developer
Enthought, Inc.
jrocher at enthought.com
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