[SciPy-Dev] scipy 0.11.0 release schedule

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Wed May 30 17:53:02 EDT 2012

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:

> Hi,
> 28.05.2012 17:26, Ralf Gommers kirjoitti:
> > It's time for a new release I think; 0.10.0 was released just over 6
> > months ago. There are a lot of PRs to merge, but no release blockers
> > anymore as far as I know. Does anyone still have important fixes or
> > other things that should go in?
> >
> > For the release schedule I propose:
> > June  7: beta 1
> > June 17: rc 1
> > June 30: rc 2
> > July  7: final release
> The schedule seems possible.
> I'd like to get in as many as possible of the open PRs and any "nearly
> easy" stuff from the Trac. There are also a couple of low-hanging
> bugfixes in scipy.special listed in the Trac that are short of some
> quality time with Abramowitz&Stegun on verifying that the fixes are
> correct.
> Finally, making the Qhull wrappers expose circumcenters (for easy
> Voronoi) and allow passing in custom Qhull options could also be useful,
> and not too difficult to do. I'll see how much of this gets done.

Sounds like a busy weekend. I'll also focus on the open PRs. Besides that,
some more python 2.4 fixes are needed and the wiki edits need to be merged.

If anyone already wants to do some testing, especially on problematic
platforms (Windows + MSVC, PPC OS X), that would be quite helpful.

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