[SciPy-Dev] scipy stats tutorial

nicky van foreest vanforeest at gmail.com
Fri May 11 16:09:32 EDT 2012


I have rewritten the first part of the scipy tutorial to such a form
that it is (hopefully) easy accessible to new user of scipy.stats. To
this aim I explicitly discuss loc and scale, and so on. (I recall that
as a first time user I had no idea about vectorization, broadcasting,
... and that quite a lot of info was thrown at me at the same time,
while I just wanted to compute the cdf of the Poisson distribution.)

Since I made numerous changes at the start of the document, checking
the differences through diff on github seems a very unattractive job
to me. Second, to check whether the mark up was correct, I ran
stats.rst through my local sphinx.  For these to reasons I attach my
local stats.html to this mail, so that you can check the end result. I
don't have the plot directive, but I don't think that that is a
problem for the moment.

I left the sample analyses and the kernel density estimation
untouched. I think these are already good enough to stand on their
own. Once a user made it through my parts of the tutorial, these
topics should be accessible (with sufficient background in

Looking forward to your feedback,

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