[SciPy-Dev] STL / LOESS seasonal trend decomposition

Andreas H. lists at hilboll.de
Thu May 10 11:46:12 EDT 2012

On 10.05.2012 11:52, Andreas H. wrote:
> Hi,
> googling for a Python implementation of STL (seasonal trend
> decomposition based on Loess, see
> http://cs.wellesley.edu/~cs315/Papers/stl%20statistical%20model.pdf)
> found this:
> http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/browser/trunk/scipy/sandbox/pyloess/mpyloess.py?rev=3473
> Can anyone tell me something about the status of this code? I'll
> probably need this for my work anyway, and thought it might be nice to
> bring it to a level at which it could be included into some package.
> Where would it belong? scipy.stats? statsmodels?

For a start (cosmetics, purity, whatever ...) I'd like to clone the code
from the old SVN to a local GIT repo, to still have the version history.
Any idea how I can do that? It seems the old SVN isn't alive any more ...


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