[SciPy-Dev] module maintainers

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Tue Mar 20 00:30:24 EDT 2012

This is wonderful!

The packages I can assist in maintaining and would like to be listed are: 


I can also be available to help answer questions on any of the other modules.



On Mar 19, 2012, at 3:34 PM, Ralf Gommers wrote:

> Hi all,
> In the recent "Scipy Goal" thread I proposed to find maintainers for each of the Scipy modules, an idea that I got positive feedback on from a number of people. Having maintainers (or "module owners", or some similar title) could improve a few things:
> - the feeling of "ownership" of particular pieces of code (and hence less unmaintained code).
> - the responsiveness to tickets and questions on the mailing list.
> - the number of developers actively working on Scipy.
> - enabling current developers to focus more on fewer parts of Scipy.
> - having one or a couple of people able to declare PRs ready to be merged (or not).
> One thing that would also be very useful is to have a document where the maintainer(s) can keep a short assessment of the status of the module and future directions up to date. There are regularly threads on the list about missing functionality and changes that could be made in the future, and currently those just get lost most of the time. Such an overview would also be very helpful for users and potential new contributors.
> I've created a draft document with a list of maintainers and status (the latter mostly empty) per module: https://github.com/rgommers/scipy/blob/maintainers/doc/MAINTAINERS.rst.txt. I've already checked with a number of people who I know are either the de-facto current maintainer or the original author of a module; the names you see in the draft are those that already responded that they would like to be listed (one of) the maintainer(s).
> Let me know what you think!
> Ralf
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