[SciPy-Dev] Suggested Change to io.wavfile

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 13:06:16 EDT 2012


On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 5:25 AM, Brian Hone <brianhone at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm in the process of spinning up a technical team that is using scipy
> for audio signal processing, so I expect that we'll be finding lots of
> issues with wavfile.  I'll take a look at the bug list and see if we
> knock off a few of them as we go.

That would be very good indeed.  Please do ask here if you have any
questions, we're very happy to help (and grateful for your

> Happy to do the test and pull request.  Stupid question though - I
> haven't yet made the jump from good old svn to git.  Can anyone give me
> the right sequence of commands so I don't mess it up?

Aha - you have a little journey ahead of you :)

There's a step-by-step guide here:


In essence, what you'll be doing is:

Making a github account
Forking the numpy repository to your own account
Cloning your copy of numpy to your own computer with git
Making a feature branch like 'wavfile-length-fix'
Making the fix (with a test that tests the effect of the fix)
Committing the fix
Pushing your new branch back to your copy of numpy on github
Making a pull request.

These steps should be covered in the document(s) above, but please let
us know if anything is not clear.



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