[SciPy-Dev] Independent T-tests with unequal variances

Junkshops junkshops at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 20:12:51 EDT 2012

Hello all,

I hope, as an utter newb poking my nose into this list, that I'm not 
giving the author of Miss Manner's Book of Netiquette the vapours.

This is a follow up to Deniz Turgut's recent email: 

"There is also a form of t-test for independent samples with different 
variances, also known as Welch's t-test [2]. I think it is better to 
include the 'identical variance' assumption in the doc to avoid confusion."

I was just caught by this problem and heartily agree with Deniz's views. 
However, I didn't see any explicit plans to add Welch's test to 
scipy/stats/stats.py, and I needed an implementation of the test and so 
implemented it. A diff against scipy 0.10.1 is attached if anyone might 
find it useful.



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