[SciPy-Dev] Problem with manipulating dates in the time series object

gharras gharras at ethz.ch
Wed Sep 22 08:06:47 EDT 2010

Hi there,

I really like the time series object from scipy but I have a problem 
with manipulating dates.
Here is a copy from my ipython session:


In [748]: myts=ts.time_series(data=n.arange(20).reshape(2,10).T, 
dates=n.arange(10)+720000, freq='D')

In [749]: myts
  [[ 0 10]
  [ 1 11]
  [ 2 12]
  [ 3 13]
  [ 4 14]
  [ 5 15]
  [ 6 16]
  [ 7 17]
  [ 8 18]
  [ 9 19]],
     dates =
  [17-Apr-1972 ... 26-Apr-1972],
     freq  = D)

In [750]: myts.dates[myts.weekday==1]+=1

In [751]: myts.dates
DateArray([17-Apr-1972, 19-Apr-1972, 19-Apr-1972, 20-Apr-1972, 
21-Apr-1972, 22-Apr-1972, 23-Apr-1972, 24-Apr-1972, 26-Apr-1972, 

In [752]: myts.has_duplicated_dates()
Out[752]: False

In words: I can change the dates by hand (in line 750), but the object 
is not aware of it, i.e. it still thinks that it does not contain any 
duplicates but the dates were however affected by the manipulation in 
line 750, cf. line 751.

Is there a work-around?

all the best.

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