[SciPy-Dev] Work on fwrap and SciPy

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 17:06:16 EDT 2010


On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
<dagss at student.matnat.uio.no> wrote:
>> How great is the divergence of the refactor branches from the trunk?
>> One worry would be that if the divergence gets too large, it will not
>> be possible to review the changes.
> Speaking about the Fortran part only, I honestly don't expect anybody else
> to do major rewrites of the f2py wrappers (.pyf files) while this is going
> on; any (unlikely) minor tweaks can readily be merged (provided a decision
> is made for SciPy on CPython to move from f2py to fwrap).
> I can try to keep the replacement of f2py with fwrap in a seperate branch
> that could potentially be merged without taking the other stuff from the
> .NET branch. Not sure whether that will succeed yet, but it is definitely
> worth a try. So perhaps one can have two or three branches with different
> kinds of changes rather than one large one. Replacing f2py with fwrap seems
> to be orthogonal to changes that has to do with changes necessitated by the
> refactoring of NumPy, but I don't know yet whether that will hold true in
> practice.

It sounds like a very good idea to try to separate orthogonal changes.

I can imagine that it would get very hard to merge back the changes if
they are not separated.

> (For non-Fortran it would be better to start a new thread on the .NET
> refactoring in general and ask Jason McCampbell, I can't tell.)

Good idea.  I will try :)



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