[SciPy-Dev] deprecations - things to remove before 0.8.0

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Wed May 26 15:49:44 EDT 2010

Along these lines, I would like to close ticket #1136
(http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/ticket/1136), and, while I'm at
it, clean up some of the cruft in scipy.misc.  I think ppimport.py,
helpmod.py, limits.py and pexec.py can all be removed, but I'd like
to get confirmation from some of the scipy devs that have been around
awhile to confirm.

More comments about these files:

    My understanding is ppimport.py is obsolete and can be removed
    (More information is in ticket #1136.)
    Moreover, the line "postpone_import = 1" in the file info.py of
    each scipy module can also be removed.

    I didn't find any code in scipy that uses misc/helpmod.py.  It
    looks like the main function defined here is info().  Currently,
    misc/__init__.py defines an info() function based on numpy's info;
    it doesn't expose anything from helpmod.py.  So I assume
    misc/helpmod.py is obsolete and can be removed.  Any objections?

    Jarrod added a deprecation warning to this module in September, 2007.
    Any objections to removing this file now?

    Written by Pearu Peteson in 2003, this module defines the class
    ParallelExec.  It is not exposed in misc/__init__.py, and it is
    not mentioned in any docs.  The only way anyone would know about
    it is if they perused the source code.  In addition to being pretty
    well hidden, I don't think this class fits into the current scope
    of scipy.  Any objections to removing it?


Ralf Gommers wrote:
> There are a number of deprecations that explicitly mention "remove 
> after 0.7", see below. There are many more that don't mention either 
> when the deprecation started or when the feature/function/whatever is 
> removed (would be handy for future deprecations...). If you feel 
> responsible for a certain part of scipy, can you please check that 
> part for deprecations for 0.8.0?
> Thanks,
> Ralf
> ./scipy/linalg/decomp_qr.py:
>    75 -         warn("qr econ argument will be removed after scipy 0.7. "
>    76 -              "The economy transform will then be available 
> through "
>    77 :              "the mode='economic' argument.", DeprecationWarning)
> ./scipy/sparse/base.py:
>   590 -     def save(self, file_name, format = '%d %d %f\n'):
>   591 :         #deprecated on Dec 14 2007
>   592 +         #remove after 0.7 release
>   593 :         warn('save() is deprecated, consider using mmwrite() 
> or savemat()' \
> ./scipy/sparse/csc.py:
>   100 -             yield csr[r,:]
>   101 -
>   102 :     @np.deprecate
>   103 +     def rowcol(self, ind):
>   104 +         #TODO remove after 0.7
> ./scipy/sparse/csr.py:
>    95 -         return 
> csc_matrix((self.data,self.indices,self.indptr), shape=(N,M), copy=copy)
>    96 -
>    97 :     @np.deprecate
>    98 +     def rowcol(self, ind):
>    99 +         #TODO remove after 0.7
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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