[SciPy-Dev] arpack failures 64-bit

Aric Hagberg aric.hagberg at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 10:05:51 EDT 2010

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 4:28 AM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> I have access to a OSX 10.6 machine but no 64 bit python devel
>> environment there.   If someone who does can help me debug this
>> (or tell me the best/fast way to set up the 64 bit tools) I can
>> make a  little time in the next couple days to try to fix it.
> I'm no expert - but I compiled my own python on Snow Leopard in order
> to get a 64-bit version.  The notes that I wrote at the time are in
> the attached .rst file - maybe they will be useful...

Great.  That is helpful.

Unfortunately my OSX machine keeps crashing with a kernel panic every time
I try to build scipy - I must have some hardware issue.  So I'm not going to be
able to test this myself.


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