[SciPy-Dev] adding test to test_random.py

Vincent Davis vincent at vincentdavis.net
Sun Jun 13 19:59:50 EDT 2010

I was thinking that I could add a test to test_random.py withing numpy
to test rand(), randn()..
I added a few tests and modified/saved it to my currently install
numpy. The test should fail but I get no failed tests. I guess there
is something I don't know :)

I added  (assert 1==2 #just to make sure it fails :) but the randn
test should also fail.

class TestRandomDist(TestCase):
    """ Make sure the random distrobution return the correct value for a
    given seed
    self.seed = 1234567890

    def test_rand(self):
        actual = np.random.rand(3,3)
        desired = array([[ 0.61879477,  0.59162363,  0.88868359],
                         [ 0.8916548 ,  0.45756748,  0.77818808],
                         [ 0.26706377,  0.99610621,  0.54009489]])
        assert actual == desired
        assert 1==2

    def test_randn(self):
        actual = np.random.randn(3,3)
        desired = array([[ 1.34016346,  1.73759123,  1.49898834],
                         [-0.22864333,  2.031034  ,  2.17032495],
                         [ 1.59645265, -0.76945156,  0.56605824]])
        assert actual == desired

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