[SciPy-Dev] import error in scipy.stats on RH3 32-bit

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 23:19:10 EDT 2010

On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Ilan Schnell <ilanschnell at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Chuck,
> yes 6446 works.  Actually, as the error indicates, the unresolved
> symbol in is linalg/clapack.so, it just happened that during my
> testing the stats package was imported first, so I initially thought
> the error was there.
> However, something has changed between 6446 and 6476, as
> I wasn't seeing this error before.  Looking at the revision log of
> the 0.8.x branch, but I cannot see any obvious.  And I'm also
> puzzled why this only happens on one particular platform.
> To make sure the build environment hasn't changed, I rebuild 6446
> on the same system, and it still works.
I hate to ask this of anyone, but... could you determine which revision
caused the problem?

Sadistical Chuck
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