[SciPy-Dev] git on windows (was: scipy.stats)

David david at silveregg.co.jp
Tue Jun 1 20:57:18 EDT 2010

On 06/02/2010 05:31 AM, josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Matthew Brett<matthew.brett at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>>>> a) are there any problems that you know of using git from the windows
>>>> shell?
>>> None in principle here (and from what I've garnered through the discussion,
>>> I am supportive of the move, as long as we don't deprecate the SVN trunk too
>>> quickly), but do we have anyone, even just one person, who is already
>>> reasonably facile in this regard who'd be willing to support others through
>>> the transition?
>> I would not claim to be very experienced, but I have not had any
>> problems using msysgit with either the windows shell or the (rather
>> good) windows power shell.    The bash shell does have problems but
>> the windows shells have proved more useful.
> It depends a lot on the part that I am working on. I wouldn't want to
> switch statsmodels where I do my main development to git.

I don't think it is anyone's intention to force you to use git for your 
own packages :)

> As long as it is possible to stick with the basic workflow of git
> without anything fancy, similar what I have seen while skimming the
> nipy docs, I think it is not a problem on windows. The basic commands
> and for example eclipse, GUI plugins look similar enough.

We started some time ago a document in that respect: instead of 
describing git's features, we have a workflow-oriented document:



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