[SciPy-Dev] SciPy docs: volunteers needed now!

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 15:17:02 EDT 2010


> Right now, we have just 1-3 people producing over 100 words each week,
> and nobody has written 1000 words in one week.  Last year, we
> routinely had 1000+ words from several writers each week.  We had
> weeks that produced more words than we have produced this entire
> summer.
> Whether we gain the productivity by having many volunteers work a
> little or by having a few (like Ralf Gommers last year) who dedicate a
> large amount of time, there's a critical level of productivity we need
> to achieve to make it worthwhile spending money on it.
> I want to reiterate that I do very much appreciate the effort of those
> who *are* participating, and that the wiki and project will continue
> regardless of whether we have a paid coordinator.
> --jh--

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