[SciPy-dev] Genetic Algorithms module in scikits.learn

Bruce Southey bsouthey at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 11:25:48 EST 2010

On 01/22/2010 09:45 AM, Fabian Pedregosa wrote:
> Bruce Southey wrote:
>> On 01/21/2010 03:55 AM, Fabian Pedregosa wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I'm trying to maintain and release scikits.learn[1], and for historical
>>> reasons there's a module for genetic algorithms in this package.
>>> As the module does not quite fit the package's thematic, has references
>>> to scipy.ga (which has moved to scipy.sandbox and is no longer
>>> maintained) and there are already some great genetic algorithm
>>> frameworks in Python, I'm rather inclined to remove this from scikits.learn.
>>> If there are no objections, I'll remove that module from scikits.learn,
>>> but just wanted to say that I've uploaded the code to github [2] in case
>>> someone finds it useful or is willing to maintain.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~fabian
>> Hi,
>> Great that you are doing this!
>> I have no interest in genetic algorithms as such but know people do use
>> it for machine learning.
>> I would support just depreciating the genetic algorithm component in
>> scikit.learn and then within a release or two you can remove it. While I
>> know it is a scikit, numpy and scipy have a long history of providing
>> adequate notification and learn has been available with it in for quite
>> some time.
> Hi Bruce!. Thanks for you interest.
> I would not mind shipping the genetic algorithm in this release
> (scheduled in two weeks), but main problem is that it uses scipy.ga,
> which not there anymore (at least in svn), so I do not want to ship
> something that completely fails to import and is largely untested ...
I do not realize the status of scipy.ga and that there is an 'import 
Numeric' as well.

So sure just remove it!


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