[SciPy-dev] Changes to trunk/scipy/optimize

Martin Lüthi luethi at vaw.baug.ethz.ch
Tue Feb 9 07:22:28 EST 2010


At Tue, 9 Feb 2010 03:05:41 -0800,
Jarrod Millman wrote:
> Now the question is where is the best place for us to reference
> external, but relevant and useful Python projects.  My personal
> feeling is that it shouldn't be in the 'see also' section of our
> docstrings, but we don't have any official policy on that yet.  So we
> need to have a general discussion about what the general policy should
> be.

I completely understand your reasoning. However, I would still find it useful
if there were a docstring section named "similar packages", mentioning either of

a) relevant packages that are closely painfully integrated with scipy and are
   generally regarded as useful

b) a link to the relevant URL of the topical software guide.

Option (a) might lead to some "political" problems, which I cannot imagine
being difficult. Option (b) would be useful in any case. While checking out
code the Topical Software Pages or the Scipy Wiki are not the immediately
obvious places to look for more relevant information.

Best, Martin

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