[SciPy-Dev] ltisys.py

Travis Oliphant oliphant at enthought.com
Mon Aug 23 15:33:54 EDT 2010

On Aug 21, 2010, at 1:00 PM, Roberto Bucher wrote:

> I'm working on a control system toolbox for python. In particular I've modified 
> some functions of the control system toolbox developed by Richard Murray and I 
> added some new functions.  The first problem is related to the modul ltisys.py 
> that I modified for handling:
> - MIMO systems (state-space only)
> - Sampling Time for discrete time system
> I've done other modifications to different modul of Richard, who is in CC:
> - matlab.py
> - statesp.py
> - xferfcn.py
> in order to implement the following new functions in my yottalab.py modul:
> - c2d (zoh+bilinear)
> - d2c (zoh+bilinear)
> - dare - discrete riccati solution
> - care - continous riccati solution
> - dlqr - discrete linear quadratic regulator
> - ctrb - controllability matrix
> - acker - ackerman pole placement
> - minreal - minimal state space representation
> - dcgain steady state gain for both continous and discrete time systems
> - tf (casting function)
> - ss (casting function)
> The modified files can be downloaded from my homepage 
> in the python section, but I want to see how I can contribute to put the 
> modifications in the main Scipy distribution.

These would make great additions to SciPy.      We are moving to a more distributed development model which should help you be able to make version-controlled changes to these files as part of SciPy. 

As soon as we make progress in that direction, I can review your changes and get them into SciPy.


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