[SciPy-dev] How to include new code (Re: Ball Tree)

Jake VanderPlas jakevdp at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 10:41:48 EST 2009

I have been following the developer's list for a while, and I would
like to start contributing to scipy.  I wrote the list about a Ball
Tree implementation that I would like to include in scipy.spatial.
I've written a python/C++ implementation, and for k-nearest-neighbor
searches in large dimensions (d~1000), it is about 10 times faster
than the current scipy.spatial.cKDTree.  Can someone point me to
instructions on how to start the process of including this in scipy?
I have a local copy of the scipy svn, and my code consists of a few
C++ files and a working setup.py  Thanks!

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