[SciPy-dev] No module named latexwriter

Nils Wagner nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Jan 14 11:52:05 EST 2009

Hi all,

I tried to build the documentation by make html in 

I am using OpenSuse11.1 on a x86_64 box.

~/svn/numpy/doc> make html
mkdir -p build
./sphinxext/autosummary_generate.py source/reference/*.rst 
                 -p dump.xml -o source/reference/generated
DeprecationWarning: The sphinx.builder module is 
deprecated; please import builders from the respective 
sphinx.builders submodules.
   import sphinx.addnodes, sphinx.roles, sphinx.builder
Failed to import 'numpy.__array_priority__':
Failed to import 
Failed to import 'numpy.generic.__squeeze__':
touch build/generate-stamp
mkdir -p build/html build/doctrees
LANG=C sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees   source 
DeprecationWarning: The sphinx.builder module is 
deprecated; please import builders from the respective 
sphinx.builders submodules.
   import sphinx.addnodes, sphinx.roles, sphinx.builder
Extension error:
Could not import extension only_directives (exception: No 
module named latexwriter)
make: *** [html] Fehler 1
How can I fix the problem ?


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