[SciPy-dev] Scipy workflow (and not tools).

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 13:58:56 EST 2009


>> Tests protect the user and the developer alike.  It is irresponsible
>> to carry on the way we do.
> No it's not.

Scipy is rarely released.  David and Stefan are saying that it is very
hard to release.

It might be true, that continuing with the organic, 'add it if it
seems good' approach, will be fine.   But it might also be true that
it will make Scipy grind to a halt, as it becomes too poorly
structured and tested to maintain.


rates Numpy / Scipy / matplotlib as 'immature'.  This is mainly
because of Scipy, and it's fair.  It we want it to change we have to
be able to release versions that have good documentation and low bug

The choices we make now are going to have long-lasting consequences for Scipy.

I think our best guess, from what David and Stefan are saying, that we
need a change towards more structured process.  I stress the word
"need".  This doesn't seem surprising to me.   I think we've got to
listen to them, because they are doing the work of maintaining and
releasing Scipy.

See y'all,


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