[SciPy-dev] The future of SciPy and its development infrastructure

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 15:29:30 EST 2009

Hi Stefan,

> 1. No code enters SciPy unless it had two pairs of eyes on it:
> reviewer and committer, reviewer and reviewer, reviewer and release
> manager, etc.  All tickets ready for merging are marked in Trac for
> convenience.
> 2. No code enters SciPy unless it is fully documented.
> 3. No code enters SciPy unless it is fully tested (this holds for both
> bug-fixes and enhancements)


So, the real problem here is that the people doing the actual work
have severe problems with the current workflow.

It seems to me the issues here are:

A) Do we agree in general to a more disciplined tests / review / accept cycle.
B) What specifically are the problems that y'all are having, and what
options are there for solving them.

Would someone consider writing a workflow PEP for discussion?  We need
the use-cases clearly defined here, otherwise I feel we are going to
get lost on the DVCS discussion.

See you,


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