[SciPy-dev] XXX in basics.rst

David Goldsmith d.l.goldsmith at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 18:05:50 EST 2009

"Note XXX: there is overlap between this text extracted from numpy.doc
and "Guide to Numpy" chapter 2. Needs combining?"

Opinions?  What, ultimately, is to be the relationship between "Guide
to Numpy" and the "real-time" docs: do we want to preserve this
duplication of content, e.g., for user convenience, or consolidate?
If the latter, does that imply that we either: a) delete this file
(basics.rst) and direct users seeking this content to GtN, Chap. 2; or
b) ask Travis to modify (or for permission to modify) GtN; or is there
another "combining" alternative I'm not seeing?


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