[SciPy-dev] [MAJOR BUG] latest numpy leads to scikits fail [was: installing openopt]

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Sep 22 08:14:31 EDT 2008

David Cournapeau wrote:
> FWIW, this works for me (with last revision of both scikits and numpy),

Sorry: this should read this works for me if you use the instructions
below, which you can use before making the changes to your package.

>> , and 
>> openopt can't find path to a solver. Dictionary with the paths to 
>> *_oo.py files  is formed via os.walk() during start of openopt session, 
>> and os.walk can't handle situation with eggs.
> You need to change this, I guess, but for the time being, you can tell
> setuptools install to avoid using eggs (I personally always install
> scikits this way, since I want to avoid eggs on my system, and this
> works well):
> python setup.py install --prefix=foo --single-version-externally-managed
> --record=/dev/null
> I have an alias which shall remain nameless in public to 'python
> setup.py install --single-version-externally-managed --record=/dev/null'

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