[SciPy-dev] scipy.linalg.qr deprecation warning

Nils Wagner nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Nov 26 09:08:10 EST 2008

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:34:43 +0100
  Tiziano Zito <opossumnano at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys, 
> when using scipy.linalg.qr without specifying any 
>keyword argument
> the user gets the following warning:
> DeprecationWarning: qr econ argument will be removed 
>after scipy
> 0.7. The economy transform will then be available 
>through the 
> mode='economic' argument.
> While I appreciate the idea of warning users of future 
>API changes, 
> I think emitting a warning even if the function has been 
>called without
> specifying the "econ" argument is a bit too much. The 
>user may not
> even know what "econ" stands for. 
> What about setting "econ=None" by default and
> - if the user specified "econ" explicitly, emit the 
>warning and set
>  econ according to user preference
> - if the user did not specify "econ", set it to the 
>current default,
>  i.e. False
> ?
> If no one objects, I will do the needed changes myself 
> tiziano
In that context

might be of interest.


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