[SciPy-dev] a modest proposal for technology previews

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Tue Nov 4 03:23:04 EST 2008

On Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 09:19:54AM +0100, Olivier Grisel wrote:
> > It could be a good policy to tell people developing scikits to upload
> > sources to pypi whenever they do a release (I am as guilty as other in
> > that department).

> As a scikit user, +1 for using pypi more systematically for scikit
> releases (being source only release without setuptools if setuptools
> is unable to manage the binary properly). I think it would help
> scikits gain more visibility in the python community as a whole and
> hence scipy too. The pypi RSS feed is relayed on various (sometimes
> manually postfiltered) aggregators and it can help gain a lot of
> pagerank.

Actually, I am +1 on that too. My caution about setuptools is just what
it is caution. I am not saying we should not be using it, or PyPI, to
provide services that nothing else provides.


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