[SciPy-dev] NumPy 1.2.0 and SciPy 0.7.0 schedule

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 10:44:18 EDT 2008

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:53 PM, Jarrod Millman <millman at berkeley.edu>wrote:

> Now that NumPy 1.1.1 is almost out, I wanted to remind everyone of the
> NumPy 1.2.0 schedule:
>  - 8/05/08     tag the 1.2.0rc1 release and prepare packages
>  - 8/12/08     tag the 1.2.0rc2 release and prepare packages
>  - 8/23/08     tag the 1.2.0 release and prepare packages
>  - 8/24/08     announce release
> Ideally, I would like to release SciPy 0.7.0 at the same time.  In
> order for this to have any chance of success, I will need help keeping
> an eye on the outstanding tickets and help rallying everyone to fix
> bugs.

Will numpy 1.2 be a dependency of SciPy 0.7.0 or will it work equally well
with numpy 1.1.1? What is the Python version dependence?

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