[SciPy-dev] adding a nice progressbar to scipy

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 21:26:10 EST 2008

On Jan 11, 2008 6:52 PM, Ondrej Certik <ondrej at certik.cz> wrote:
> So what is the conclusion?
> Maybe I should stress, that the progress bar is just one file with 300
> lines of code.
> So it's not really a package, just a feature. I was thinking of
> scipy.io, but ipython
> is maybe better. If it can contain interaction with gnuplot, why not a simple
> progressbar? :)

A few questions:

- Will it run *correctly* under Windows?  I don't use it, but I don't
want the text-only core of ipython to start sprouting functionality
that breaks under windows (or any OS for that matter).  Same thing for
Linux/OSX.  I know it says 'os independent', but I want independent
confirmation of that statement.

- It makes calls to ioctl() without checks that the import at the top
actually worked.  That will break somewhere, I guarantee it.

- Is signal.SIGWINCH available on all OSes?

- termios is also used without checks.  That will likely throw an
exception under windows.

- Etc.  This code doesn't look like it's ever been properly tested for
cross-platform compatibility.  Welcome to the real world.

If all of the above were to be addressed, it's small enough that I'm
willing to throw it into ipython.externals for convenience.  300 lines
is a drop in the bucket at this point, and for interactive work it can
come in very handy, I agree.  No sysadmin will notice it's hiding in
there :)

In this case, a few things:

- You said that the author would BSD license it, but the current code
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/progressbar still shows LGPL-only.  I
won't put it in until we get from him a BSD-licensed file.

- Please send us the patch you suggested writing for the more comon case.

- You commit to letting us know when an update is warranted and
sending us the corresponding patch, so that the ipython developers can
apply it with minimal effort.

But first I'd like to see the initial points addressed.



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