[SciPy-dev] openopt example mmp_1.py

dmitrey dmitrey.kroshko at scipy.org
Sun Feb 3 06:28:55 EST 2008

Matthieu, do you have encountered the bug (i.e. as well as Nils)?

As for "from numpy import *", I use it when there are either more than a 
dozen of params to be imported or for examples, where I try to use as 
little code as possible, and those dozens of imported params look uglier 
than MATLAB style, so possible Python/openopt newbies will not be fond 
of those imports.

Regards, D.

Matthieu Brucher wrote:
> There might a problem with this line as well :
>     from numpy import *
> Try not using this or importing exactly what you need/want.
> Matthieu
> -- 
> French PhD student
> Website : http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
> Blogs : http://matt.eifelle.com and http://blog.developpez.com/?blog=92
> LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/matthieubrucher

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