[SciPy-dev] Inclusion of cython code in scipy

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 12:47:55 EDT 2008

Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:

> Brian Granger wrote:
>>>  > C++ STL containers are truly great for things like this.  I would
>>>  > write a simple c++ header file that defines the Particle class,
>>>  > create an std::vector<Particle> to hold them and wrap the whole thing
>>>  > into
>>>  > Cython.  I have already done stuff like this (templated c++ with STL)
>>>  > with cython and it works great.  Furthermore, you end up with an
>>>  > actual C/Python extension type that 1) is super fast 2) has its own C
>>>  > api that can be called from other C extensions.
> For some strange reason I still haven't gotten this email but Brian,
> that is the point I was making, STL has all the needed container classes
> for this and this is precisely what I use.  I just use SWIG to wrap this
> C++ code and it works great.  Much of the STL is already wrapped via
> SWIG and with numpy.i it interfaces quite well with numpy, in addition
> you can inject doxygen generated documentation almost automatically so
> your generated wrapper code is fully documented.
> I've also explored using D and PyD and it makes for a fantastic
> combination.  D seems to be (gdc) about 1.7 times slower than C++ but is
> really nice to work with.  PyD's support for numpy is lacking but could
> be fixed.
> The point is (and what I understand of what Nathan was saying), pyrex
> and cython let you wrap the code to an extent but do not provide the
> underlying solution.  People were arging that Cython may be used in
> place of C, and I think our point is that it isn't there yet and for
> people used to C or C++ it is much easier to just use those instead.
>> Unfortunately, the context I have done this in is proprietary code for
>> my employer.  But, I will try to put together a simple example this
>> weekend and post it to launchpad.  The documentation on these
>> capabilities of Cython isn't great right now for sure, so some example
>> code would sure help.
> So why don't we do this together.  I'll put together my tiny example of
> a shootout with Python C++ and D and lets see how they stack up.  If you
> would be so kind you can add the cython/pyrex parts to this.  Thanks.

Is pyd still actively developed?  Seems to be rather quiet for a while.

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