[SciPy-dev] new tagged release (SciPy 0.6.0)

Ondrej Certik ondrej at certik.cz
Fri Sep 14 21:21:54 EDT 2007

> I have tagged the SciPy 0.6.0 release.  You can get it here:
> http://svn.scipy.org/svn/scipy/tags/0.6.0
> I will be getting packages from the packagers over the next few days.
> Once I have the binary packages, I will make an official announcement
> (including updating the websites and sending out emails).

Awesome. For the Debian package, I need you to release the official
tar.gz. Once you do it, I'll let the new version to be uploaded to

>      - better support for 64-bit platforms
>  * optimize
>      - a lot of bugfixes and modernization

- nonlinear solvers module added



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