[SciPy-dev] requesting feedback on/editing of scikits wiki-page

Alexander Schmolck a.schmolck at gmx.net
Mon May 21 04:42:25 EDT 2007

David Cournapeau <david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> writes:

> Ok, my understanding was different on this issue. I thought scikits and
> scipy had different purpose, and that one of scikits' goal was to enable
> code depending on GPL code. I thought scipy modularization was a totally
> different issue.

Well, this is something the official developers of scipy have to make their
minds up about; but personally I'm not sure allowing GPLed code in anywhere is
a good idea -- IMO there's enough viral scientific computing code out there
already. Allowing LGPL or LGPL-dependent code in scikits is a different
matter; I think BSD/MIT-style should be encouraged but I think it would be
useful for scikits to be able to include modules that wrap or use a LGPLed 3rd
party lib for which no suitable freer alternatives exist.

> There is also the problem of GPL libraries (qt, pyqt come to mind): I 
> don't think you can use them in BSD code, right ? But I guess this 
> becomes the grey area of derivative work. 

No, not really. The FSF did its best to make sure that only GPLed code can use
GPLed code -- that's the whole point.

> Can I use GPL libraries in non GPL python if I access the library though
> ctypes ? 

I don't think so.

> If there is a python package under the GPL, and I import it in my own
> package, do I have to use the GPL ?

Yes. The only exception might be if your package can *optionally* use
something that's GPLed (in which case it would still have to be GPL
compatible), but even then you might find yourself on shaky ground (google
clisp readline GPL).

IANAL etc., but unless you are, I think you're best off assuming that GPLed
code is off-limits unless you want to GPL your code too, because the FSF has
hired good lawyers to make it that way.



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