[SciPy-dev] St9bad_alloc

Maik Trömel mtroemel81 at web.de
Mon Jun 18 09:24:51 EDT 2007

Here is a small example:

   from numpy import *
   from scipy import *
   from numpy.random import *
   from scipy.sandbox.delaunay import *

   index_y= [] 
   index_x = [] 
   value = []
   for i in range(200):
   nwyx = indices((2600, 2548))
   tri = Triangulation(index_y, index_x)
   interp = tri.nn_interpolator(value)
   nwwert = interp(nwyx[0], nwyx[1])

   print  nwwert

If i split the funktion "interp()" into four sub-matrizes like  
nwwert = zeros((2600, 2548))
nwwert[0:1300, 0:1300] = interp(nwyx[0][0:1300, 0:1300], nwyx[1][0:1300, 0:1300])) 
nwwert[0:1300, 0:2548] = interp(nwyx[0][0:1300, 0:2548], nwyx[1][0:1300, 0:2548]))
the script crashes always at the same sub-matrix. Regardless in which order I process the sub-matrixes.


> Maik Trömel wrote:
> > Hello List,
> >
> > I've got some problems with Scipy/sandbox/delaunay.
> > Everytime I run my script the following error occures:
> > terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
> >   what():  St9bad_alloc
> >
> > Does anybody know what this means? And what I can do to avoid this error?
> >
> This means that dynamic allocation failed in some of the C++ code for 
> delaunay.
> > I have postet in several forums, but nowbody could help me.
> Well, we would need more details: can you reproduce the problem on a 
> small, self contained example ?
> David
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