[SciPy-dev] connecting tnc 1.3

Nils Wagner nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Jul 24 07:55:55 EDT 2007

dmitrey wrote:
> so I commit the tnc 1.3 to svn (rev. 3185); the code related to the 
> problem mentioned (about lb-ub) I decided to implement in the following way:
> if user pass bounds as (for example)
> ((-1,1), (-1, None), None, (3,4))
> then it means 3rd variable is unconstrained.
> also I think ticket 384 (tnc:argument 2 must be python list, not 
> numpy.ndarray) is ready to be closed (scipy svn rev. 3186)
> D.
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You have also reverted the order of the output of optimize.fmin_tnc
Now it returns (rc, nfeval, x).

It was x, nfeval, rc before. Is this wanted ?


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