[SciPy-dev] change scipy.optimize function signatures?? FEEDBACK NEEDED!! (ticket 285)

Michael McNeil Forbes mforbes at physics.ubc.ca
Fri Jul 20 13:52:40 EDT 2007

On 20 Jul 2007, Alan G Isaac wrote:

> I am understanding `brent` to be pure Python.

Good point (I was actually looking at brentq etc.)

> OK, I need to finalize the decision on this.
> http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/285
> Here are the current alternatives.
> 3. Move the brent `code` into a `Brent` class.
>    The `brent` function (with unchanged signature)
>    remains as a convenient user interface to the `Brent`
>    class, which can be used directly when more refined
>    control is needed.  The class will include bracketing
>    parameters as a response to the ticket.
>    (I think this is best.)

In this case, 3. sounds like the best option to me too.


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