[SciPy-dev] scipy.interpolate.fitpack patch

Stefan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Feb 6 07:15:57 EST 2007

On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 12:00:23PM +0000, John Travers wrote:
> > We should at least maintain the version in main scipy until it can be
> > replaced with the one in sandbox.
> Agreed - but this should be happening within the next week

That's good news!

> > Alternatively, since it seems the
> > version in scipy-main is broken anyway (?), replace it and just make
> > sure the code remains in a usable condition.
> The version in main scipy is not really broken - I simply decided to
> clean it up as I was in the process of separating spline functions
> from interpolating functions. This ended up taking more time than I
> anticipated (or I had too little time) - but it is mostly done now and
> I think the new version is cleaner and easier to maintain.

Looking forward to it -- just let me know if you need a hand.  Thanks
again for all your effort.


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