[SciPy-dev] Which matrix library in C++ for scipy

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Apr 26 07:44:19 EDT 2007

Matthieu Brucher wrote:
>     scipy does certainly not depend on Boost. Blitz is used in weave,
>     but I
>     don't know if this is mandatory (and it includes the blitz
>     library); I
>     think that actually, a C++ compiler is not even mandatory. Maybe I am
>     missing something, but why the need for a matrix library for basic
>     neighbors algorithm ?
> That's right, I do not have the utility for a fully-fludged matrix 
> library, but basic stuff yes. For a neighbooring algorithm, I can use 
> basic computations, norms, ...
> Yes, I could program them directly, but if there is already something 
> in scipy, no use to do it again ;)
I don't think there is anything like that in scipy. Something which 
could be useful would be to have a C++ class which reflects a numpy 
array, for seamless integration between eg boost.python and numpy. But 
that would be quite a challenge to get it right, I think.


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