[SciPy-dev] Bugfixes for Numeric ???

David M. Cooke cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca
Wed Mar 15 16:40:14 EST 2006

Manuel Metz <mmetz at astro.uni-bonn.de> writes:

> Hi,
> is there someone how still maintains bugfixes for Numeric ??? If so,
> where is the right place to report bugfixes ???
> I think Numeric will still be used for a long time, even though numpy
> has arrived. At least, Debian (sid) has not updated to numpy yet.
> Manuel
> see bugfix in tolist() and patch:
> http://www.scipy.net/pipermail/scipy-dev/2006-March/005492.html
> http://www.scipy.net/pipermail/scipy-dev/2006-March/005493.html

Put them into the Numeric bugtracker, then at least someone who does
still wants to use it can at least find them.

If you've got patches, put them in the patches area at

(it's a shorter list than the bugs ;-)

At some point, someone may commit them to CVS there, but I wouldn't
expect a new release.

|David M. Cooke                      http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/
|cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca

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