[SciPy-dev] weave

David M. Cooke cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca
Mon Jun 12 17:22:09 EDT 2006

On Fri, 9 Jun 2006 12:36:21 +0200 (CEST)
Arnd Baecker <arnd.baecker at web.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> for some reason one of our code, which should have
> been fully converted to numpy, lead to the inclusion of Numeric
> in sys.modules.
> We tracked this down to the following minimal example
>   from weave import inline
>   import sys
>   print sys.modules["Numeric"]
> In the end this is caused by
>   scipy/weave/accelerate_tools.py
> which does an
>   import weave
> at the beginning.
> When both new scipy and old scipy (at a different place)
> are installed, the above line fetches the weave from old
> scipy and therefore a bunch of Numeric stuff.
> It seems that a
>   from scipy.weave import weave
> in scipy/weave/accelerate_tools.py
> fixes the problem.
> I could commit the change, but before that I would like
> to make sure that I am not messing up anything with the above change.

Go for it. (Relative imports like this are a pain)

|David M. Cooke                      http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/
|cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca

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