[SciPy-dev] an atttempt at sandbox/xplt

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Wed Feb 1 07:54:18 EST 2006

On Wed, 1 Feb 2006, Arnd Baecker wrote:

> Hi,
> I had a try to get get sandbox/xplt working.
> Attached is a diff how far I got.
> Compiling works, but I got the directory structure wrong
> (I essentially understand nothing about scipy distutils, so
> this is not surprising ;-).
> Presently stuff gets installed into
>  scipy/xplt/sandbox                  (fine sofar)
> and
>  scipy/xplt/sandbox/Lib/sandbox/xplt    (contains *.c, *.h, *.gp, *.gs)
>  scipy/xplt/sandbox/scipy/sandbox/xplt  (contains gistC.so)
> According to the old scipy diretory structure
> gistC.so should directly end up in scipy/xplt/
> and the only directory in scipy/xplt should
> be gistdata/ containing *.gs and *.gp files.
> Before I start digging further, does an expert see
> straight away what has to be done to correct the above?

The last line in your patch should read

Anyway, I have applied your patch with few modifications to svn.


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