[SciPy-dev] Check reading the nested fields of a nested array

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Tue Apr 25 04:14:11 EDT 2006

Nils Wagner wrote:
> Travis Oliphant wrote:
>> Nils Wagner wrote:
>>> Nils Wagner wrote:
>>>> Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>>>> Nils Wagner wrote:
>>>>>> on a 64 bit system
>>>>>> numpy.test(1,10) results in
>>>>>> Check reading the nested fields of a nested array (1st level)*** glibc 
>>>>>> detected *** malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x00000000007dee40 ***
>>>>> Can you check to see which check-in caused the problem.  Go back to 
>>>>> revision 2403, 2402, and so forth.
>>>>> Also, please remove the build directory and the installed numpy to be 
>>>>> sure changes to the C-API are not causing problems.
>>>>> The trace-back is not really giving a clue.  Perhaps if you ran under 
>>>>> valgrind better help could be given.  Are there any warnings emmitted 
>>>>> during compilation?
>>>>> Could somebody else with a 64-bit system verify?
>>> BTW, the problem is not restricted to 64-bit systems. I just installed 
>>> the latest svn version of numpy
>>> on a 32-bit system and got
>>> Check reading the nested fields of a nested array (1st level)*** glibc 
>>> detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x081d5870 ***
>>> Abort
>> Please remove your installation of numpy and your build directory and 
>> try again.  I do not get these errors.  
>> The copyswap function changed arguments and appears to be at the root of 
>> these problems.
>> -Travis
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> Hi Travis,
> I installed numpy from scratch but the problem persists. Any idea ?

Did you remove your numpy from <site-packages> and the build directory 
before building?

If so, please isolate the test that is failing into a short Python 
snippet that exhibits the error.   I've just double-checked all uses of 
copyswap to make sure they have all been changed.   All tests are 
passing for me as well (also all SciPy tests pass).

So, I can't reproduce the problem and it smells a lot like an 
installation problem.  Are you picking up  include files from some other 

Can somebody else verify to see if current SVN of numpy builds and 
passes tests?


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